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Setting Up UCW

To set up the Universal Connect Widget (UCW), first configure your environment variables to set up Docker and add credentials for each of your providers.

The application relies on environment variables to store configuration settings and sensitive information that must be hard coded into the application such as authentication credentials. DO NOT put any credentials in any of the code files. If you do so, they may be committed and leaked to the public.

As mentioned in the Getting Started section, the images for this repository are hosted on DockerHub. First configure the version of the images you pull from DockerHub. The latest version is automatically configured.

1. Configure Docker Images

  1. Run cp ./.env.example ./.env to copy the environment variables example to a new file .env.
  2. In this file, configure DOCKER_IMAGE_SERVER and DOCKER_IMAGE_UI to change the version of the images. [CHANGE THESE]

2. Add Data Provider Credentials

  1. Run cp ./apps/server/.env.example ./apps/server/.env to copy the environment variables example to a new .env file.
  2. In the .apps/server/.env file, configure API credentials and secrets, ports, redis and more.